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Ebates is a great way that the businesses are using these days. The main purpose of this is to attract the customers towards their products.
But a question that comes into the mind of every person about Ebates is that does it really work?
So here is a guide to help you understand how the working of Ebates actually takes place in the businesses.
But first things first!
What are Ebates?
Ebates is a popular program which is used by the businesses to attract the customers to buy their product. It is also used to increase their sales.
This program is all about little cash back on the purchases that the customers make of the various products.
Ebates is an affiliate business which is related with the marketing of the products of some companies. This platform simply gets paid for sending the businesses some customers.
Instead of keeping the whole revenue with themselves, the share the revenue with you in the form of cash back. This makes it very attractive for us people.
Ebates will not affect any other kind of purchase that you make. But it  just simply lets you earn some cash back for the amount of money that you have spent online.
The money that you will get in the form of cash back will simply be entered in your Ebates account.
How to use Ebates?
There are some steps which need to be followed to use Ebates.
These are:
- Sign up with Ebates: While signing up with Ebates, it will ask for your email id, your name and some other information for signing up.
- So after signing up with Ebates, go to Ebates first and from there select the link of the store from which you want to shop. Do not exit from the store till the time you have made your purchase.
- Then shop in the usual way you do and then check out.
That’s about it!
Certain things that are to be kept in mind while using Ebates are:
# You must click on Ebates first and then go to the link of the store from where you have to shop. If you forget to click on Ebates and directly visit the link of the store, you will not be able to get the cash back facility.
Because there is no way to add money to your account once the purchase has been made. So do not forget in any way to click on Ebates before going to the link of the store.
# Do not also forget to close the tab or the window after the purchase has been made. Else the tracking will not happen properly and you will not again not be able to get the cash back in your account.
# Leaving the store before completing your shopping and purchase of the product will also make you have to do away from earning the benefit.
So if you do not want to wash your hands from these benefits, just simply keep these things in your mind and get more in less!
People sometimes do get worried if they will get the cash back through Ebates on the purchase that they have made. But there is nothing to worry about.
Ebates keeps on tracking your purchase in the background. You will not get any notification about your purchase was tracked or not.
But there is nothing to worry about! The tracking did happen and you will for sure receive the cash back.
There are some questions which are related with the working of Ebates. These might be coming in your mind and clearing these doubts is important to help you know more about it. Some of them are:
# Now some of you might be wondering that why does at all Ebates provide you with cash back with the purchases that you make online? Isn’t this just simply like giving away money for no reason?
To answer this question, think that internet is a huge market place. So for every purchase that you make on this market place, you have to follow a particular click path.
Now the referring sites which help you to reach to that site, gets a commission for doing this work.
This was thought to be an amazing idea to share this earned commission with you people, in the form of what is known as cash backs. Thus came into the business, Ebates doing the same work.
To understand better, look at the example written below.
So the thing is that the stores pay Ebates to get them customers.
For example,  Amazon pays Ebates $10 to get them more customers. Ebates will give you $8 cash back on a purchase that you make on Amazon. It will keep $2 as it’s own earning to have provided Amazon with customers.
This comes out to be a win win situation for all the people involved in the transaction. Amazon is happy because it has got new customers. You are happy because you got cash back.
Ebates is happy because it made money by only sharing the details of yours with Amazon.
# Another thing that might come up in your mind while signing up with and sharing your personal information with such a website might not be safe. They might sell your personal information to a third party and create a problem for you.
But the reality of the fact is that Ebates does not sell your personal information to any third party. Your information is not at risk if you share it with them.
But not to forget the fact that they do share your personal information with their partners who function as their service providers. The only purpose of doing and sharing your information with their partners is to perform functions which are related with advertisements.
So with this we get to know that there is no risk of even sharing your personal information with Ebates and not to worry about it at all.
# Another question that might come in the mind of the users of Ebates is that do they have to pay something first for logging in. Or is there some kind of fee that they have to pay to avail the services of the Ebates or not?
The answer to this question is the one that will make you happy. You do not have to pay anything to use Ebates and the services provided by this are absolutely free of cost.
The reason for this was explained above that Ebates gets money from the stores only to get them customers. As a result of this, they do not charge any thing from the users who have signed up.
They rather give them money in the form of cash back for using the services provided by Ebates. Thus it comes as providing great incentive and attraction for the users.
This also makes sure to the users that Ebates is definitely not any kind of scam. It works for real for the purchasers to enjoy cash back on the purchases that they make online.
But not to forget, there are some kind of quirks that you have to keep in mind while making use of this. This makes us to talk about the pros and cons of Ebates.
Pros of Ebates:
- Keep more of your money that too for free: You do not have to pay anything while signing in for Ebates. You can get the facility of earning cash backs and enjoying shopping just for free.
- Pick the source of where to collect the money: You can select from the various options available on Ebates where your money will go. You can receive your cash back money in the form of cheque, or you can also get it in your Paypal account ( of course if you have one)
- Partnered with a number of stores: The number of stores who are partnered with Ebates are not less. Ebates is partnered with a huge number of 1500 stores from where you can buy.
- Simplicity of use: There is no complexity in the use of Ebates. It is very easy to understand what it is and how it is to be used. The reason of why it works is also clear. Not presenting any doubts in the mind of the users.
Cons of Ebates:
- There are some restrictions: Not all popular brands are partnered with Ebates. For example a very popular brand Apple is not partnered with Ebates. You can not get the facility of cash back with the purchase that you make in Apple through Ebates.
- Waiting time is too much: The program does not send you the cash back immediately after your purchase has been made. It only sends you money four times in a year. So you might have to wait for months to get your cash back for the purchase that you have made.
- You might have to have some technical knowledge: Sometimes the purchaser might just forget to click at Ebates before making any purchase online. Because of this he will not be able to get the cash back facility. You have to make sure that you click at Ebates first and then on the store from where you have to buy the product. Also you have to make sure that after the purchase has been made. You have to close the tab or the window, else it will not work.
- Not of any use if you don’t shop online: There are thousands of people even today who do not like the idea of shopping online. They just prefer going to the shop or the store to buy products. Then it is not of any use for those people. It can only be used by the people who shop online and not from stores directly.
But all in all what can be said about this program is that if you can wait for availing this facility of cash back on the purchase that you have made online, then for sure Ebates is a must try.
It is a win win situation for you for availing the offers of you have the patience. It is definitely not a scam and works for real on the purchases made online.
So without any fear, go sign up on Ebates now and go get the amazing offers that it provides to you on the shop. Get more by paying lesser amount on the same product!!! Great business it is!!!
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