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Read on to learn to make money online with CPA network…
But first things first, what is CPA marketing?
CPA marketing or Cost Per Action marketing is much like affiliate marketing. In CPA marketing, you earn money when a user takes some action.
Sounds like affiliate marketing? Well, in affiliate marketing you get paid when a purchase is made. In CPA marketing, you get paid when any action is taken by the user. This action can be as simple as clicking a link or filling a form.
So, CPA marketing is like affiliate marketing but with a twist and much simpler. You do not have to sell the product or the service in this case.
What you need to do is simply generate a lead. Once the lead has been generated, it is up to the network or the website to convert it into sales.
The following are the differences between affiliate marketing and CPA marketing:
CPA marketing pays faster as compared to affiliate marketing.
In affiliate marketing you are on your own. CPA marketing assigns you a manager who guides you to make money online with CPA networks.
Affiliate marketing gives you links to promote and be a part of an affiliate network. CPA marketing takes time to make you a part of a CPA network.
CPA marketing is more like an online advertising model. The advertisers pay you when some action is performed with the advertising material on your website.
Now that you are interested in making money online with CPA networks, let’s get you going.
The first thing that you need to do is to register with a CPA network.
There are several such networks where you can sign up. Once your profile is approved, you are assigned a manager who guides you through the entire process.
Some of the popular CPA networks where you can register include:
#1 CrakRevenue
It is the top CPA network in the dating niche. The network pays weekly and also extra for referrals. It has several dating offers and exclusive partner products to be promoted.
The team at CrakRevenue shares attractive banners and ads that are tested to boost sales and generate leads.
#2Â Admitad
This global affiliate network pays weekly. This network is suitable for advertising needs of businesses.
The network offers reliable sources of sales and publishers thereby making it easy for you to generate leads.
#3Â CPALead
This is the largest CPA network. It boasts of more than 2000 campaigns.
This network is used by many people across the world to earn a good income. It allows you to earn money by simply sharing files or other tools.
#4Â MaxBounty
Another popular and must try CPA network. However, you need to be a pro internet marketer.
You will also need to fulfil a lot of requirements to get approved by this network. The network offers performance based pay-outs.
#5 Adscend Media
This is the oldest and the most stable CPA network.
Simple tasks like email clicks and clicking on submit buttons cam help you make money on this network.
The lead generation using this network is quick.
#6 ShareASale
This is another popular CPA network that offers lead programs for almost every possible category you can think of. The network also has premium pay-out rates.
This means that you may end up earning a lot more as compared to other networks.
#7 GlobalWideMedia
This is a CPA network for serious marketers.
The network offers a wide range of products to be marketed. This in turn allows you to promote the best offers and drive optimised traffic.
The network boasts of a large number of advertisers and companies.
#8 Clickbooth
This is a very well-known and acknowledged CPA network.
This network is again not for beginners and requires stringent rules to be followed.
#9 Mobidea
This is the best network for free CPA campaigns.
The network works to offer great marketing potential across the globe. This enables the companies to drive a lot of traffic to their websites.
#10 Cash
This is a CPA network where products related to beauty and health can be promoted.
The network houses more than 2300 premium affiliate products that you can choose from. The pay-outs of the network are also high.
# 11 Madrivo
This is a premium CPA network that only sends invites to marketers.
This is a network not meant for newcomers. The network is known for premium campaigns.
#12 AdWorkMedia
This CPA network allows you to generate an income using you website, domains, contents or links.
The network also has its own monetization tools thereby making it easy to earn decent amount.
#13 ClickDealer
This CPA network works by promoting video ad campaigns.
The network however has strict rules that all marketers need to adhere to. Also the network does not approve of marketers easily.
The CPA networks can be divided into two categories:
Single Segment CPA Network: The single segment CPA network focus on a single segment. These networks may focus on segments like travel, finance or some other popular segment.
These networks have an in-depth portfolio of advertisers as well as publishers.
However, the number of advertisers and publishers is limited.
Since multi-segment offers are not available, the networks of this type will not work well when the segment it focuses on faces an economic crisis.
Multi-segment CPA Network: The multi-segment networks have an extensive list of offers. The networks house a wide range of different segments from online business.
These networks operate on a global level. These networks have a lot to offer to even the newcomers. In addition, these networks also have experienced advertisers and publishers.
Once you have joined a CPA network, you can integrate the networks in your site. This means you need to build your site around the CPA networks.
The next thing is to drive traffic to your website. This is crucial. Only when traffic will be directed to your website would customers perform action that will help you earn. So driving traffic to website needs to be done in a strategic manner.
The traffic driving strategies that you can make use of include:
Search engine optimisation or SEO is a tried and tested method of generating traffic to the website. You need to make use of keywords in an optimal manner.
You also need to ensure that your website has enough inbound and outbound links. In addition, your website must offer something unique to the audience.
This is a great way of diverting traffic to your website. PPC ads work very well to drive traffic to the website in an instantaneous manner.
Social Media
Social media networks including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube are great ways of driving traffic to your website. These networks can help you reach the targeted audience and generate a lot of traffic.
Using social media, the traffic may be slow in the beginning. But as your website gets popular, more and more stable traffic gets directed to your website.
Now coming to how a CPA network operates.
What happens is that a CPA network tells advertisers that its members can provide new leads.
The advertisers in return tell the CPA network that they will pay a certain amount of commission. However, this is subject to generation of a specific number of leads.
The working of CPA networks is therefore very simple.
Once the network is able to generate the said leads, the marketers are able to earn a commission.
CPA networks often take a certain amount of risk. The risk is in terms of money.
Many CPA networks pay their affiliates much before they get the promised amount of commission from the advertisers.
So, if the client does not pay the CPA network, the network faces financial losses. However, this is a risk that needs to be taken to ensure that advertisers and affiliates are maintained in a good number.
There are a few things that must be kept in mind before you make money online with CPA Network:
Not all networks allow easy joining of marketers
CPA networks are exclusive with the marketers who can join their networks.
The networks want to have affiliates who have the skills to generate leads.
Some networks do not accept newcomers at all. So, you need to check the terms and conditions before you join the network.
You must research
Before you join a CPA network, you need to do your homework. It is essential to research about the available CPA networks.
It is necessary that you check the frequency of the payments. You also need to check how much the network pays.
Research related to the popularity of the network must also be done. This helps you to join the best possible CPA network.
Remember biggest isn’t always the best
Some people are of the opinion that the bigger CPA networks work the best. This isn’t true.
There are many CPA networks that are small but have big names associated with them. These small networks also pay better than the bigger CPA networks.
In fact, the bigger and established networks do not allow everyone to join as a marketer. The smaller or second-tier networks approve almost all marketers. Therefore, you can start earning decent money from the smaller networks.
Don’t give up
If you have not been approved by a particular CPA network, don’t give up.
You can try several other networks available. You need to just make sure that the network is a legitimate one and offers good pay-outs.
Avoid shady networks
With the ever increasing number of CPA networks online, there are many shady networks that have also cropped up.
However, you need to avoid these. These shady networks do not pay well. You must always read reviews of the network before joining one.
Maintain a good relation with your affiliate manager
The affiliate manager is your guide and mentor. It is the affiliate manager who tells you the tricks of the trade.
It is essential that you maintain good relations with your affiliate manager. You must communicate with the affiliate manager as and when needed.
Also, you need to make sure that you report honestly to the affiliate manager.
To make money online with CPA network is beneficial because of the following reasons:
- Global market entry:Â As an affiliate with CPA network, you get entry into multiple markets at a global level.
- Cost effective marketing tool: To make money online with CPA network is very cost effective. You eliminate all types of expenses and overheads. You also get several perks and benefits.
- Traffic monetization: With CPA networks, monetization of your website and blog is also possible.
- Easy business: CPA network offers a platform for conducting your business with ease. With CPA network you get connected to a lot of publishers, advertisers and verified partners with whom you can conduct business.
- Reach new markets: As affiliates on CPA networks, you can reach new markets. When you work for a global CPA network, you can reach new markets across the globe. This helps you drive traffic to your website and earn a good income.
- Resistance to economic crisis: When you work with a multi-segment CPA network, you can resist economic crisis. You can continue working for a segment that is not suffering from any economic crisis. You have multiple segments to rely upon irrespective of the market ups and downs.
When you want to make money online with CPA networks, you need to remember the following:
Hire an affiliate manager.
Consider you niche or category of your expertise.
Avoid CPA networks with bad reviews.
Use native advertising.
Don’t continue with networks that are difficult to sign up with.
Avoid networks that do not pay well.
Brainstorm new promotional ideas for specific products.
Negotiate contracts with your affiliate manager.
Review all affiliate offers before you opt for one.
Now that you know all about how to make money online with CPA networks, find an effective network and start-up.
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